terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2019

Leitura - Babbit

Sensacional este livro de Sinclair Lewis. Não foi a toa que mereceu o Nobel. Acida critica a sociedade americana mas principalmente a classe media mundial da virada do seculo . o livro nos faz refletir sobre nossas vidas e como na maior parte to tempo quão patéticos somos.
Following the critical and commercial success of Main Street, Sinclair Lewis directed his barbs at the American businessman in Babbitt. The central character, George Follansbee Babbitt, is a middle-aged realtor living in Zenith, the Zip City. He is unimaginative, self-important, and hopelessly middle class. Vaguely dissatisfied with his position, he tries to alter the pattern of his life by flirting with liberalism and by having an affair with an attractive widow, only to find that his dread of ostracism is greater than his desire for escape. He does, however, encourage the rebellion of his son, Ted.

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Leitura- Mil e uma noites -Traduzido do árabe - Mamede Mustafá Jarouche

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